Set Up Visual Studio with Selenium WebDriver:
Create a new project in Visual Studio:
Step 1) In the File Menu, Click New > Project

Step 2) In the next screen
- Select the option ‘Visual C#’
- Click on Console App (.Net Framework)
- Enter name as “RnD”
- Click OK

Step 3) The below screen will be displayed once the project is successfully created.

Set up Visual Studio with Selenium WebDriver:
Step 1) Navigate to Project-> Manage NuGet Packages

Step 2) In the next screen
- Search for Selenium on the resultant screen
- Select the first search result
- Click on ‘Install’

Step 3) The below message will be displayed once the package is successfully installed

Steps to install NUnit Framework:
Step 1) Navigate to Project-> Manage NuGet Packages
Step 2) In the next window
- Search for NUnit
- Select the search result
- Click Install

Step 3) The below message will appear once the installation is complete.

Steps to download NUnit Test Adapter
Please note that the below steps work only for 32-bit machines. For 64-bit machines, you need to download the ‘NUnit3 Test Adapter’ by following the same process as mentioned below.
Step 1) Navigate to Project-> Manage NuGet Packages
Step 2) In the next window
- Search NUnitTestAdapter
- Click Search Result
- Click Install

Step 3) Once install is done you will see the following message

Steps to download Chrome Driver
Step 1) Navigate to Project-> Manage NuGet Packages
Step 2) In the next window
- Search for Chromdriver
- Select the search result
- Click Install

Step 3) System may asked for permission. Click on ‘Yes to All’

Step 4) The below message will appear once the installation is complete.

Selenium and NUnit framework:
Selenium with NUnit framework allows differentiating between various test classes. NUnit also allows using annotations such as SetUp, Test, and TearDown to perform actions before and after running the test.
NUnit framework can be integrated with Selenium by creating a NUnit test class and running the test class using NUnit framework.
The below are the steps needed to create and run a test class using NUnit framework.
Steps to create a NUnit Test class in Selenium:
Step 1) In the Solution Explorer, Right clicked on project > Add > Class

Step 2) Class creation window will appear
- Provide a name to the class
- Click on Add button

Step 3) The below screen will appear.

Step 4) Add the following code to the created class. Please note that you need to specify the location of ‘chromdriver.exe’ file during chrome driver initialization.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using OpenQA.Selenium;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Support.UI;
using OpenQA.Selenium.Chrome;
using NUnit.Framework;
using NUnit.Framework.Interfaces;
using NUnit;
namespace RnD
public class TestDemo1
public IWebDriver driver;
public void Initialize()
driver = new ChromeDriver();
public void BrowserTest()
public void closeBrowser()
Step 4) Click on ‘Build’ -> ‘Build Solution’ or keypress ‘Ctrl + Shift + B’
Step 5) Once the build is successful, we need to open the Test Explorer window. Click on Test -> Windows -> Test Explorer

Step 6) Test Explorer window opens with the list of available tests. Right-click on Test Explorer and select Run Selected Tests

Step 7) Selenium must open the browser with specified URL and close the browser. Test case status will be changed to ‘Pass’ on the Test Explorer window.